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Philosophy of Education

My Philosophy of Education
                I believe that all people have the right to an education. In fact, I believe that after one’s health, education is top priority. (I went into education instead of the medical field because of the reasonably lower ick-factor. And since then have discovered teaching to be a very fulfilling venture. I love the light bulb moments when students have a breakthrough). To function successfully in this world, people have necessity of an education – be that formal schooling, apprenticeship or otherwise. Around the world, education looks different.
                Actually, in many ways, I think our school system in Canada does not work adequately to serve the needs of all students. Classroom teachers today are over-burdened with increasingly diverse classes, including a variety of learning needs, individualized learning plans, students with high emotional and behavioural needs, students with physical disabilities and students with mental illness. All of this without the necessary supports. I have a lot of ideas about how we could better serve and educate our students...but maybe more on that later. In the meantime, my colleagues and I take the challenge: to work within the system we have to help students learn fascinating things, develop skills for communication, and to become critical thinkers.
I believe that the Canadian school system should have one primary purpose: that is, to prepare today’s youth to be thinking, active citizens. As such, teachers have a duty to inspire and encourage students to grow as individuals by learning about the world around them, and participating in society.
             Learning can best be accomplished in a community of learners, where sharing of knowledge and discoveries occurs among students and teachers. It is the responsibility of teachers to share knowledge and be a role-model, to encourage inquiry and exploration so that students can form ideas and opinions. This type of community is formed when the teacher establishes a positive learning environment where misbehaviour is treated with natural consequences, respect is the key rule in the classroom, and everyone feels safe to share stories and opinions.
                In my mind, an ideal education system would aspire to create students who make informed decisions and participate in real life. My goal as an educator is to help all people become healthy, thinking, active contributors to our world.



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